Jewish Life
South Jersey

30 Day Shema Challenge


If you do not currently recite the Shema each morning and each night, take this 30 Day Shema Challenge and see if it doesn’t change your mood, your day and even your life.

Let me know you’re taking the challenge by sending me an email at

Please share with friends and family.

To give you an insentive, each week in January I’ll randomly pick someone who is taking the challenge and donate $50 to a charity of your choice in your name.

A simple challenge with a big impact.

If you’re unsure of the Shema, I’ll send you a voice text of the words and melody, and text in transliteration.

Why the Shema?

There is a Commandment in the Torah to recite the Shema twice daily: “And you shall speak of them . . . when you lie down and when you rise up.”

“When a person reciting the Shema remembers the unity and kingship of the Almighty, who supervises everything, they will take to heart that God’s eyes observe all of a person’s ways. They will appreciate that God counts our steps, and that none of our thoughts are hidden from Him. Thinking this and saying this will guard a person throughout the day. Repeating it at night will guard them at night as well.”💞— from Sefer HaChinuch

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